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What we can do for you


With 12+ years of contractor recruitment experience, if you have an open vacancy that you want our help sourcing, or alternatively if you’ve found a suitable candidate within your own network that you need onboarding into the business and paying during the assignment - we can help.


Keep reading or click to jump to a section to find out more about the process behind the contractor services we provide and how this can benefit you.



This is our bread and butter as a recruitment agency

You have a contractor vacancy and we help you to source a suitable candidate, we onboard them into your business and manage the whole timesheet, pay and bill process on your behalf.  We cover all areas of:

Accounting & Finance


Project Management

Business Analytics

IT & Digital

If you have a vacancy, get in touch. Our contractor onboarding, pay & bill process is outlined here.

Outsourced Contractors


What is this service and why should you use it for your company?


A growing number of our clients choose not to allocate the time and resources to managing this end-to-end process in-house so they outsource it to us to manage on their behalf. It saves you time, money and resource allocation by using us.

Please let us know if you want us provide a reference from clients currently using this service, or if we can set up a quick call with them so you can discuss the benefits and how they’ve found using our services helpful.



Different types of contractors


We onboard and manage Ltd Company Contractors, PAYE / Payroll or those that decide to go through an umbrella company. Although we specialise in directly sourcing Accounting & Finance candidates, for outsourcing it doesn’t matter what they do. We have payrolled contractors working in all functional areas such as Legal, IT, Transformation, Programme Management, Marketing, PMO, Project Management (and finance!).



Our charge


We charge a % of the contractor day rate to manage this service, it’s typically less than you would pay us to directly source contractors for a vacancy.  



What does outsourcing or 'payrolling' contractors mean?


The term 'payroll services' can be a bit misleading. We do payroll (or PAYE) a small number of our contractors (which is due to increase after the IR35 implementation), but the majority work on-site with our clients through their own limited company or via an umbrella company. What payrolling means in this sense is that if you have a contractor / temporary vacancy and you’ve sourced a candidate directly through your own network for the role but don’t want to manage the onboarding, payment or bill process then we can do it for you.

Contractor Onbord, Pay & Bill



Whether you have used us to source your contractor or have directly sourced them yourselves, we manage the full onboarding, timesheet management and contractor payment process for our clients.


Pre-assignment compliance

  • Assignment Schedule approval from hiring manager for each contractor - includes confirmation of assignment location, contractor day rate and our charge-out rate, job title, contract start and end dates, reciprocal notice period

  • 3 year employment reference checks

  • Passport verification

  • Ltd Company Incorporation Certificates, Business Insurance Certificates, VAT

  • Additional at your request:​​

    • UK 3 Year Enhanced Employment Verification (28 day gap) (Document collection)

    • UK 5 Year Enhanced Employment Verification (28 day gap) (Document collection)

    • International ID Verification (passport verification)

    • UK Right to Work Document Verification

  • Enhanced Criminal Disclosure (DBS) England and Wales


timesheet & cost management

Contractor and line manager onboarding onto our online timesheet management portal RSM InTime. More about this below.




contractor payments

  • We typically run the contractor payment process weekly or monthly depending on how often the approver wants to approve timesheets!

  • We will only pay the contractor if their timesheet has been approved by their line manager, which is all tracked through InTime.



Client invoicing

We do this on the same day that we process the approved contractor timesheets, either weekly or monthly.




RSM Intime

InTime is an online timesheet management system that allows you to review and approve a contractor's time worked with the click of a button. Once approved we process everything and initiate the pay & bill process.



A summary of the InTime features can be found here.



Download the Approver Guide to find out more about the process for line managers:

RSM InTime Approver Guide

© 2020 Talent Professionals Recruitment Services Ltd,

Company Registration Number: 08026483

  • LinkedIn

59-60 Thames Street, Windsor, SL4 1TX


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